The Social Rights Tracker is a secure online watchdog platform for collecting and documenting testimonies of situations where social and economic rights, dignity of any person or group of people, are violated.
The platform provides a safe and confidential channel for civil society organisations and grassroots movements, committed to human rights and dignity, to report and publish fact-checked information on cases of violations covered by the Revised European Social Charter.

Our resources

Recommendation of the CINGO
to the Summit of heads of state of the Council of Europe meeting in Reykjavik on 16 and 17 May 2023
(English version)

Recommendation of the CINGO
to the Summit of heads of state of the Council of Europe meeting in Reykjavik on 16 and 17 May 2023
(French version)

Covid-19 : impact on Women
(English & French version)

Survey on the (in)voluntary nature of part-time work feminine
(French version)

A qualitative study
(In)voluntary part-time work among women workers in the sales, cleaning and nursing home sectors
(French version)

Send us an encrypted Alert!
If you are a civil society organisation or an independent body and wish to report problems encountered in the access to, and exercise, of social and economic rights of persons or groups, you can send us the relevant information through this secure online form. You can also use the form to highlight good practices which reinforce respect for social and economic rights, considered in an integrated human rights perspective.