The ICJ and ECRE v. Greece: revival of the controversy Essential clarifications on the applicability of the European Social Charter (from now on “the Charter”) to migrants in an irregular situation have been made by the European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR)...

A look at the social rights of people with disabilities: a dehumanising paradigm
France condemned again “A major decision that could be revolutionary if properly implemented by the executive” – Magali Lafourcade, Secretary General of the French National Consultative Commission for Human Rights (CNCDH) On 17 April 2023, the European...

Europe after COVID:Reversal or Renewal?
‘Europe After Covid: Reversal or Renewal?’ reviews the social situation in the 27 EU member states and makes some proposals and recommendations for a more sustainable and inclusive future. This report is the fourteenth publication in Social Justice...

Transidentity in Europe: the consequences of the rejection of transidentity on economic and social rights
Recognition of the right to self-determination: between decline and progress In December 2022, Scottish MPs passed a law allowing gender self-determination. The British government unfortunately blocked this widely welcomed social advance. On 17 January 2023, London...

The Reykjavík Declaration: a step forward for social rights?
The Heads of State and Government of the 46 member countries of the Council of Europe met for a Summit in Reykjavík on 16 and 17 May 2023. This type of high-level meeting is rare, as it is only the 4th Summit since the organisation was founded in 1949. In the first...

Two years after Porto Social Summit: Bringing pillar of social rights to life
In 2021, the Portuguese government – holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union at the time – set up the Porto Social Forum alongside with the European Commission. The aim of the Forum is to organise a regular exchange between Member States,...

The pro-IVG activist Justyna Wydrzyńska convicted. Regression of abortion rights: women’s health at risk
Justyna Wydrzyńska convicted On 14 March 2023, the polish activist Justyna Wydrzyńska, co-founder of the NGO “Abortion Dream Team” was sentenced in the first instance to 240 hours or 8 months of community service for “abortion assistance”. She was convicted after...